Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Process in studio????

I'v ebeen bouncing around the idea of altered consciousness. I dont know how to fit this into a museum, im gonna see what the sculpture ends up looking like. Ive always been fascinated by concepts that i cant wrap my head around. Things that are so out there they are either carazy or genius. The idea of the altered conscions is also an altered state of awareness. as i started to do some research i came acroos this idea of FLOW. flow is a mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he is doing by energized focus. I thought this was very relevant to us as aspiring architects. the components of flow are clear goals, concentration, a loss of self conscious, merging action and awareness, distorted sense of time, direct and immediate feedback, personal control, and finally intrisinsically rewarding. I know thats a lot, but you cant tell me that during those late night studios after working for 9 hours you havent felt at least three to four of those symptoms. Some describe it as a water currewnt carrying them along. Asd i went a little further i discovered GROUP FLOW this has the same components as individual flow but obviously within a grouyp. They talked about creating spatioal arraingments, charts and flow graphs, they used the playground design as an example. I think thats somewhere where a studio is supposed to be.(not the playground, but in this consciousness)I dont know if this post is in the right blog, im not sure ive written a narrative here, but it is something im interested in and i would like to maybe turn it into a narrative. Any ideas. that goes for anybody, i welcome all criticism. im gonna do the sculpture of this altered consciousness, i have no idea how but im sure something interesting will come out of it.


  1. Sounds like an interesting topic, is this idea of flow a relationship or an actual idea for the museum?

  2. thats a good point, i was so wrapped up in the research and explaination end of it i didnt think about it. Mostly i would say relationship, the idea is mainly about alternate concious states. or so i think. thanks man

  3. Yeah, def sounds interesting and you can easily relate that to the design of your building.

  4. I definitely agree with the ideas of flow and group flow. Often, especially after those long nights in Ed Hall, you don't even know how or when the flow kicked in but all of a sudden you have this clear idea and this project that you are totally involved and connected to and you're not sure where the time went! Cool findings!
