Friday, April 24, 2009


just thought i would post some diagrams i've been working on...


  1. Christine, these are seriously awesome! Very clear and easily understandable. Nice!!

  2. I still don't understand why the rooms need to be so large - ala those japanese hotels.

    I think a straight up section showing how these dream portals work - hey have you looked at "dream catchers" by the way?

    also, I still have no understanding of how people move through the building.

    I think you "creative side of the building needs a lot of work - first of all it should not be confined to the BOUNDRIES of the existing envelope - it should project out into space - consider making the "new addition" dwarf (in terms of size/scale) the boring half (aspirational)

  3. but I think too much time is being spent on sketch - up.

    these diagrams can be produced much quicker using trace and such.

    also I think graphically these need to be looked at - think about ideas of FIGURE/GROUND you are too "figure" heavy in the first two diagrams.

    the third diagram is better - but I think a single sectional drawing should do the trick - be efficient.
