Monday, April 13, 2009

Finding Relations

I am very interested quantum physics and physics in general. More however... I'm interested in the relationships within everything in and around the world we perceive as human beings. (which to me is architecture) So that brings up the question... well what is architecture?... to me architecture is at the very least bit about creating buildings... or even physical structures for that matter. But what architecture is to me, and what is so remarkably interesting to me in architecture, is indeed finding relationships between things. One of the most important skills I feel an architect should posses is the skill of observation. Without it an architect is blind to the endless amount of possibilities of relationships between everything around us. And from these “observations” we are able to draw conclusions to relationships we’ve observed. So to bring up the quote by gerst... “Shoot the arrow and move the target” simply means to me that by choosing any possible direction of observation of any possible relationship (To shoot your arrow) you can then begin to dig deeper and deeper until you find your conclusion... or in other words you find your path to your target.

A single atom is spread about all over the place... until a conscious observer decides to look at it... so the observation by the conscious observer creates the entire universe...

The closer you look at individual particles you realize that there is no such thing as one electron... an electron or any other elementary particle exists only in relationship to other things or with other particles or the universe at large.

Deeply enough... if you look deep into the nature of matter... everything we know about the everyday world begins to dissolve... there are no objects no more... THERES ONLY RELATIONSHIPS... there’s no locality... there’s no time... the more you look into something more detailed in what we think of as solid matter... the less and less it begins to look solid.

The only realities we know of are the ones our brain manufactures... we receive billions of signals each second and we organize them into holograms.. and we project them outside of ourselves and call them... reality.

I found it quite interesting how some of the posts were so closely related to one another... just to name some... the one with the matrix video... the one about illusions... and the one about fractals... Whether or not it was Gersts intention of the blog to aid us in seeing these relations between each others narratives I feel it is indeed successful in that way and we should all pay close attention to the relationships between them and to observe.

~Michael Morgan~

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