Tuesday, April 21, 2009

pecha kucha

My pecha kucha is meant to show the process of being confronted by a choice, in which there is a general negative opinion on one of the options. The second image shows the desire and curiosity one might feel in this situation. third is the ability to see the "light", furthering ones curiosity and pulling them through. The next couple are meant to literally represent a process of "growth" or in this case, the gaining of knowledge and experience on an unfamiliar idea or experience. finally, one is able to see past generalized negative opinions and has the ability to make independent choices, free from pressures of society. 

relating back to the site, red hook is the negative side. it is going to take a process and unbiased understanding and the effort of many people/businesses/government to revive it. 


  1. so don't take this too much to hart, but I am finding this very cliche. I think. I'm not sure.

    What happened to TATTOOS!!! I thought this was your interest I can see how you have gotten here from tattoos - but you have taken a wrong turn - get back to tattoos (that is if that's what you are interested) - the similarity being the beleif that tatoos are bad - and you want people to understand that they are really good and important - yes I get that.

    back to what you wrote - you are talking about a process you are not engaging deeply enough. first of all, if I'm given a choice between two things, one good one bad, why would I ever choose the bad one. what is the force that is driving me to investigate the bad one.

    I mean I feel like you are talking about a process in which someone is confronted with something they find disagreeable, and they are FORCED to deal with it. and this is not a process bring images of "growth" and "light". - certainly not before chaos, mayhem, violence, destruction - awful, horrible horrible things.

    really, its about overcoming fear - I think.

  2. and what about your building?

    I think you are behind.

  3. the idea was not strictly choosing between "good and bad". more so the idea of whats socially acceptable and what is less so(subversive). and the desire to explore the less beaten path stems from the feeling of sameness, and the urge to stray from the rules of society. much like the process of a tattoo, i believe there is a process that goes on in someones head when they decide to choose a subversive path, whether it be a religion, lifestyle, type of body art( tattoos, peircings, scarring etc). one knows the consequences he or she will face due to this decision, and must weigh them and come to a conclusion on whether it is the right path for them or not.

    my building was going to be a series of 8 or so structures ranging from an outline of the perimeter painted on the floor, slowly building up to the completed exhibition space. Much like the process of a tattoo, which starts out as a stencil, then an outline, and eventually a finished piece. one would walk through these structures and literally see the building being constructed as they proceed. rather than a full blown museum, i was shooting far a smaller exhibition space, no larger than maybe 6000 sq feet. My intention was that the design and building itself would be the main exhibit, the literal process of the buildings construction.

  4. i think your pecha kucha does a good job relaying your whole idea but maybe you should have images that display related idea that grew through the process...

  5. maybe to get back to the tattoo thing you could show the process of a big piece. like the sketching, outlining, filling in, detail.
