Saturday, April 11, 2009


...Of A Shopaholic

Yes, I watched this movie last night and it was really funny. Maybe because I have the shopping addiction but still. What was really interesting was that there was a big focus on shoes in the movie which directly pertains to what my idea is. Then I kinda started thinking about the other types of value given to the shoe.

The idea of shoes being of value because of the limited edition styles is not the only reason for some people's addiction. "Vintage" shoes can have this same type of value. Vintage is not antique, but a little more closer to the new styles. Antique is known for clothing made before the 1920's. Anything between the 1920's and late 70's is considered vintage. This clothing is valuable and sought after by many. It has value in a scale to normal clothing that is way more great.

I know this was a short post but it's just a little review of some thoughts I had.


1 comment:

  1. No this is perfect in terms of brevity.

    What I like about this is you are telling us you thought PROCESS - showing how you are creating relationships.

    So it seems like you should look into vintage shoes? again focus on finding a logic that pertains to PROCESS.

    But this is great example of what I had in mind in terms of the posts - but lets start talking with image to. But its important to understand how the image RELATES to the narrative.
